Summer Movie Series: The Rescue 🤿

Hey Reader!

Do you ever think: I would really like to show my students a fun, educational movie, but I don't have time to find the right one!?

Good news! I've got you covered, Reader!

This summer, I am curating a Science Movie Playlist of popular movies you can use in your classroom!

For the next few weeks, I will be your own personal version of Rotten Tomatoes. 🍅

I will do the research, watch the movie and share one resource you can use in your classroom. It will be your own personalized list of "go-to" movies for special days, sick days, or for a fun culmination of a science unit.

At the end of the Summer Movie Series, I will share all the ideas in one blog post that you can use for reference.

In the meantime, I encourage you to watch these awesome movies with your family and friends. (If you are anything like us, we are always looking for a wholesome movie to enjoy as a family.)

Let's dive in! 🤿 THE RESCUE

👉Click Here to DOWNLOAD The Rescue Movie Crossword Puzzle The Rescue Movie Crossword Puzzle.pdf

Brief Summary: Perhaps you remember the story about the twelve boys and their soccer coach who were stranded inside a flooded cave in Northern Thailand in 2018. This inspiring documentary chronicles their amazing, true story. Due to its intensity, this movie is best for middle school-aged students.

Streaming Service: Disney+

Rating: PG

Duration: 1h 48m

Release Date: 2021

Subject Areas: Geology, Physics, Engineering, Health

Social Emotional Themes: Teamwork, Perseverance, Ingenuity, Courage

Science Topics:

  • Cave geography
  • Tropical weather (Monsoons)
  • Physics of diving and buoyancy
  • Engineering solutions in rescue operations
  • Human health and physiology under extreme conditions

What I Love:

  • Amazing Footage—National Geographic does not disappoint. You will feel like you are "in the moment," and in the cave, with the rescue team. Students will see the inside of the cave, the geography of rural Thailand, and actual footage of the rescue.
  • Positive Role Models—From the cave divers who risked their lives to the brave, gracious children stranded in the cave....everyone in this documentary is a positive role model!
  • Diversity—Several countries, including the United States and China, collaborated to support the Thai leaders in their rescue attempts. Although the rescue team ultimately consisted of all white men from the UK and Australia, their personal stories from childhood reveal their fears and emotional struggles and how those struggles shaped them. Diverse socioeconomic groups are also represented.
  • Intensity—There is plenty of intensity to keep students interested in this story! Students will be drawn in by this emotionally intense, against-all-odds saga.

Things to Consider:

  • This documentary includes intense peril involving children. The children stranded in the cave, as well as the rescue team, face life-or-death situations. The children are separated from their parents for over two weeks.
  • A nongraphic animation briefly recounts the legend of the Sleeping Lady, which involves a murder and a suicide.
  • One member of the Thai Navy SEALS dies accidentally before the rescue takes place.
  • There are four instances of language: "H*ll, "bulls**t," "d*mn," and "s*itting."
  • There is one reference to passing around a bottle of Jack Daniels at the end of the rescue. In another instance, a member of the rescue team worries that a negative outcome could be traumatic enough to lead him to alcoholism.

Other Notes:

Before watching this documentary, we read the book All Thirteen: The Incredible Cave Rescue of the Thai Boys' Soccer Team by Christina Soontornvat. My students and I highly recommend reading this book! Students will learn about the geography of the cave system, survival skills, health-related information, the science of diving, Thai culture and community, teamwork and collaboration. We read the book as a class before watching the movie.

👉DON'T FORGET TO DOWNLOAD The Rescue Movie Crossword Puzzle The Rescue Movie Crossword Puzzle.pdf

I would love to hear what you think of this movie! Your comments and ideas could be included in my blog post 💗



P.S. So many of you responded to my previous email with suggestions - Thank you so very much for all the fabulous ideas! I added many of them to my list!

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